
First NSF NeuroNex Workshop on Super 3DEM

Texas Advanced Computing Center | Austin, TX | July 2018

3DEM users and developers shared experiences and tools for the management and reconstruction of objects from serial section transmission electron microscopy.


Second NSF NeuroNex 3DEM Workshop

Texas Advanced Computing Center | Austin, TX | June 2019

Presentations and discussions on the topic of connecting neuronal circuits to subcellular resources that influence synaptic weight.


Reproducible Science @ TACC

Texas Advanced Computing Center | Online | July 2020

A workshop for learning best practices to maximize the impact and value of your effort by building a trustworthy computational foundation.  Includes an Introduction to High Performancing Computing, Using Git for Version Control, Creating Reproducible Python Packages, Containerizing your Code and using Containers at TACC, Leveraging TAPIS (TACC APIs), and Workflow Automation.


Blender Scripting Tutorial Series

Salk Institute for Biological Studies  | Online | 2020-2021 

Hands on how-to series of tutorials on using Blender for cell simulations.


Mitochondria Workshop Series

The University of Texas at Austin  | Online | 2021 

Workshop exploring current knowledge of the morphology and function of Mitochondria.